Programme 2016

11th CONGRESS of the ECSVD


Interactive European course on vulvo-vaginal disease: learn with the experts

THURSDAY 15th September 2016


09.00 Registration
09.30 Presidents welcome
Moderators: Nina Bohm-Starke – Paolo Scollo
09.40 Basic vulvology
Clinical cases: normal variants and pitfalls Micheline Moyal-Barracco
10.10 How to do biopsy (video discussion) Rainer Kuerzl
10.20 Vulval histology
Clinical case: when normal histology can mimic disease

Normal histology of the vulva and terminology

James Scurry
10.40 Treatment of vulval disease
10 top tips on treatment: interactive session Waltraud Anemueller
11.10 COFFEE

Moderators: Jeff Andrews – Paolo Scollo

11.30 Vulvo-vaginal infection
11.30 Clinical case: investigation of a vaginal discharge Orna Reichman
11.45 Clinical case: recurrent and resistant candidiasis
12.00 Clinical case: recurrent HSV
12.15 Ano-rectal problems and the vulva
12.15 Clinical case: is this hidradenitis suppurativa or Crohn’s? Fiona Lewis
12.45 Ano-perineal fistula Herbert Dalcorso
13.15 LUNCH
Workshop 1: Interesting clinic-pathological cases Francoise Plantier

Micheline Moyal-Barracco

Moderators: Micheline Moyal-Barracco – Fiona Lewis
14.30 Vulval dermatoses
14.30 Clinical case: is this lichen sclerosus or lichen planus? Shireen Velangi
15.00 Clinical case: is this psoriasis or eczema? Kim Meeuwis
15.30 Pigmentation of the vulva
6 top tips on diagnosis and treatment: interactive session Sandra Ronger-Savle
15.50 Ulceration of the vulva
6 top tips on diagnosis and treatment: interactive session Christina Damsted Petersen
16.10 TEA
Moderators: Ross Pagano – Jacob Bornstein
16.30 Vulvodynia
16.30 Clinical cases: generalized and localized vulvodynia Ulrika Johannesson
Terminology, aetiology and management
17.00 Psychosexual aspects of vulvodynia Nina Bohm-Starke
17.45 CLOSE



FRIDAY 16th September 2016


08.30 Registration and coffee
Moderators: Giovanni Scambia – Marc van Beurden
09.00 Uro-gynaecological cases and the vulva C. Huub van der Vaart
Urinary incontinence

Erosions for mesh

Paraurethral cysts

Vesico-vaginal fistula repair (video presentation)

9.45 Obstetrics and the vulva
09.45 The role of episiotomy in modern obstetrics Diego Riva
10.05 Clinical case: vulval pain after delivery and rehabilitation Fabrizio Bogliatto
10.20 COFFEE
Moderators: Michael Hoeckel – Giovanni Scambia
10.40 Vulvo-vaginal reconstruction
10.40 Clinical cases: reconstruction of the vulva and vagina

·      Lichen sclerosus/lichen planus, including clitoral lesions

·      Fissuring

With video presentation

Sophie Berville
11.00 Clinical cases: reconstruction of the clitoris and prepuce

·      Female genital mutilation


Refaat Karim
11.20 The role of surgery in the management of benign vulvar disorders


Ross Pagano
Moderators: Shireen Velangi – Marc van Beurden
11.40 Free communications
11.40 Review of the histology in cases of clinically diagnosed Lichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus S Mc Carthy
11.47 Clinical correlation of vulvar biopsies reported as normal V Knight
11.54 Vulvar lichen sclerosus and lichen planus overlap syndrome – a histopathologic review Tania Day
12.01 Plasma cell vulvitis: a 10 year review from a single centre L Ferguson
12.08 Clitoral reconstruction after female genital mutilation: what is the evidence? J Abdulcadir
12.15 Sexual Anatomy and Function in Women With and Without Genital Mutilation: A Cross-Sectional Study J Abdulcadir
12.22 Outcomes using postoperative topical steroids in the management of vulvo-vaginal disease in patients with graft versus host disease and vulvo-vaginal-gingival syndrome S Rajkumar
12.32 Cutaneous Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis affecting the Vulva and Groin I Kreuser-Genis
12.39 Case report of major surgery in a patient with extensive vulvar lichen sclerosis R Vermeulen
12.46 Successful treatment of vulval Crohn’s disease with infliximab M Fitzgerald
13.00 LUNCH
Workshop 2: Interesting vulvodynia cases Ulrika Johannesson
Ross Pagano
Jacob Bornstein
Moderators: Jacob Bornstein – James Scurry
14.00 HPV Workshop
14.00 HPV – from mouth to anus Mario Airoldi
14.30 HPV infection – investigation and screening Christine Bergeron
15.00 HPV vaccine – prevention and therapy Elmar Joura
15.30 TEA

Female body image in art and science

Marc van Beurden
16.30 Free communications
16.30 The role of Physical Therapy approaching vulvodynia, complicated by other pelvic floor disorder in pregnancy. A Case Report. M Miletta
16.40 Sexological treatment of vulvodynia. Part of a multidisciplinary approach. G Vittrup
16.50 Immune Activation Enhances Epithelial Nerve Growth in Provoked Vestibulodynia P Tommola
17.00 Morphological vulvovaginal changes in cervical cancer survivors affecting sexual health A Hofsjo
17.30 CLOSE



SATURDAY 17th September 2016


Moderators: Francesco Raspagliesi – Rainer Kuerzl
09.00 SCC Joanne de HUllu
09.30 VIN Jacob Bornstein
10.00 Extra-mammary Paget’s and melanoma Marc van Beurden
10.30 Advanced cancer – surgical approach and reconstruction Michael Hoeckel
11.00 Advanced cancer – other options An Snyers
11.30 COFFEE
11.50 Free communications
11.50 Is screening for associated malignancies in vulvar Paget disease necessary? M van der Linden
12.00 Topical 5% Imiquimod cream for vulvar Paget disease: study protocol M van der Linden
12.10 Are immunotherapies a valuable option in metastatic or unresectable vulvar and vaginal melanomas? G Quereux
12.20 Oncogenic mutations in vulvar and vaginal melanomas S Wylomanski



M Airoldi (I)

W Anemueller (D)

C Bergeron )F)

S Berville (F)

F Bogliatto (I)

N Bohm-Starke (SW)

J Bornstein (IL)

H Dalcorso (I)

C Damsted-Petersen (DK)

J de Hullu (NL)

M Hoeckel (D)

U Johannesson (SW)

E Joura (A)

R Karim (NL)

R Kuerzl (D)

F Lewis (UK)

K Meeuwis (NL)

M Moyal-Barracco (F)

R Pagano (AUS)

O Reichman (IL)

D Riva (IT)

S Ronger-Savle (F)

J Scurry (AUS)

A Snyers (NL)

M van Beurden (NL)

H van der Vaart (NL)

S Velangi (UK)