ECSVD 2023: already 250 registrations, latest scientific works and hot-topics | Register now!
Dear colleagues and friends,
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 14th Congress of the European College for the Study of Vulval Disease in Helsinki, Finland - for the first time in the history of our Society!
Timing of the congress in mid-June was chosen to offer you the possibility to enjoy the bright northern summer nights.
We are so happy to offer a live congress after so many years of virtual contacts. Surely, this has at least partly contributed to the number of participants: we have already nearly 250 registrations two months prior to the congress! And as earlier, we are going to have participants all the way from Australia and Canada, as well. Among invited guests, we have representatives from the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, the North American Chapter of ISSVD, and the British Society for the Study of Vulval Disease, as well.
The program follows the traditional set up, including educational plenary lectures, some shorter hot-topic-lectures, a few interesting interactive sessions, as well as presentations of abstracts on the latest scientific works carried out by our current and future members. In addition we have allowed more time focusing on vaginal conditions, and one of the hot topics of this decade, the vaginal microbiome entity. We also offer a pre-congress work-shop on wet mount microscopy which turned out to be very popular and was quickly fully booked!
The social program includes the get together reception on Thursday evening at the Helsinki City Hall, offered by the City of Helsinki. You will have an excellent possibility to mingle with your old friends and make new acquaintances in this beautiful milieu. Small cocktail bites and some wine will be served. The Congress Dinner on Friday evening will be held at Kalastajatorppa Hotel and Restaurant, located on a beautiful seashore cape in Munkkiniemi, a few kilometers away from the Congress Venue, but no worries, we will have pre-ordered buses to take us there.
The Congress ends on Saturday afternoon with a farewell lunch.
Now that the congress is getting closer and arrangements begin to be finalized, I really start to believe my dreams of a most successful congress will come true!
Please do not miss the opportunity to join us! Register at ecsvd2023.fi
Helsinki April 2023
Päivi Tommola, president ECSVD
Ulrika Heddini, secretary ECSVD