ECSVD 2010 Online Booklet (for Participants)
Titles in green are linked to the presentations which you will find in various formats: short abstracts, long abstracts, articles or PowerPoint presentations. The authors decided about the format published here. Although only single presentations are laking we will try hard to get all on to the website.
When available, pictures of the chairpersons and speakers will be added.
Thursday 16th September 2010 |
Free communications part I: VIN, Vulval Paget's diseaseChairs: L. Micheletti, Italy, S. Regauer, Austria |
Differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia is often found in lesions, previously diagnosed as lichen sclerosus, that have progressed to vulvar squamous cell carcinomaH.P. van de Nieuwenhof, van der Avoort I et al., the Netherlands | |
Reflectance Confocal Microscopy on VIN and pigmented vulvar lesionsS. Ronger-Savlé et al., France | |
Cytology of the vulva: feasibility of a new brushL.C.G. van den Einden et al., the Netherlands | |
Treatment of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia with topical imiquimod: Long-term (> 5 years) follow-up of a randomized controlled trial A. Terlou et al., the Netherlands |
Changes in the incidence and characteristics of women with VIN in an University Hospital setting in Germany over threedecades M. Hampl et al., Germany |
Photodynamic therapy for perineal Paget?s disease: 5 years experience S. Fourcade, A. Levy Bencheton et al., France |
Marjorie Ridley Lecture Introduction: R. Kürzl, Germany |
Surgery of vulval cancer: A new approach based on the embryologically deduced compartment theory of local tumor spread M. Höckel, Germany |
Oncologic results and quality of life after vulval surgery based on the embryologically deduced compartment theory of local tumor spread N. Dornhöfer, M. Höckel, Germany |
Histopathologic workup in vulval cancer surgery, based on the embryologically deduced compartment theory of local tumor spread L-C. Horn, Germany |
Free communications part II: Vulval cancer Chairs: R. Jones, New Zealand, E. Joura, Austria |
Use of V-Y flap for vulvar reconstruction: a case-series of 28 flaps in 14 patients V. Conri, S.Brun et al., France |
Detection of Lymphovascular Invasion in Vulvar Cancer M. Braun et al., Germany |
Characterization and prognostic impact of tumor-specific immunity in vulvar squamous cell carcinoma K. Kübler et al., Germany |
Non-squamous malignancies of the vulva: a review on diagnosis and management C. Carriero et al., Italy |
Risk factors for short and long term complications after groin surgery in vulvar cancer F. Hinten et al., the Netherlands |
The unspoken disease: Symptom experiences after surgical treatment in women with vulvar neoplasms - a qualitative study B. Senn et al., Switzerland |
Free communications part III: Vulval ulcers, Vulvodynia Chairs: M. Moyal-Barracco, France, N. Bohm-Starke, Sweden |
Acute vulvar ulcers and toxoplasmosis B. Hillion et al., France |
Mycoplasma pneumoniae: a rare cause of vulvar ulcer or an undiagnosed one? P. V. Baptista et al., Portugal |
A strange chronic «ulcerated lesion» post Imiquimod! V. Julien et al., France |
Revisiting a case of vulvar ulcer ? 20 years later P.V. Baptista et al., Portugal |
Polymorphism in the OPMR1-gene ? a correlation to general pain hypersensitivity in women with provoked vestibulodynia? U. Heddini et al., Sweden |
Results from a RCT study on the effect of botox on women with localized vestibulodynia C.D. Petersen et al., Denmark |
Friday, 17th September 2010 |
Postgraduate CourseBenign vulval conditions, part I Chairs: Elisabet Nylander, Sweden,Shireen Velangi, United Kingdom |
The normal vulva Micheline Moyal-Barracco, France (Derm) |
Differential diagnosis of vulval diseases Rainer Kürzl, Germany (Gyn) |
Lichen sclerosus Fiona Lewis, United Kingdom (Derm) |
Lichen planus Monique Pelisse, France (Derm) |
Other common inflammatory dermatoses Elisabeth Derrick, United Kingdom (Derm) |
Benign vulval conditions, part II Chairs: Fiona Lewis, United Kingdom, Annarosa Virgili, Italy |
Vulval ulcerations Shireen Velangi, United Kingdom (Derm) |
Pathology of benign vulval diseases Sigrid Regauer, Austria (Path) |
Rational use of topical steroids Annarosa Virgili, Italy (Derm) |
Chronic vulvovaginitis Jose Martinez de Oliveira, Portugal (Gyn) |
Vulvodynia, Basics Fabrizio Bogliatto, Italy (Gyn) |
Pigmented lesions including melanoma Sallie Neill, United Kingdom (Derm) |
Malignant vulval conditions, part I Chairs: Sallie Neill, United Kingdom, Fabrizio Bogliatto, Italy |
Vulval Paget's disease Mario Preti, Italy (Gyn) |
New VIN nomenclature Mario Sideri, Italy (Gyn) |
Requested for discussion:VIN versus CIN Ron Jones, New Zealand (Gyn) |
VIN: diagnosis and treatment Marc van Beurden, the Netherlands (Gyn) |
Impact of HPV vaccination on VIN and vulval cancer Elmar Joura, Austria (Gyn) |
Malignant vulval conditions, part II Chairs: Leonardo Micheletti, Italy, Ron Jones, New Zealand |
Pathology of malignant vulval diseases Doris Mayr, Germany (Path) |
Vulval anatomy for surgeons Leonardo Micheletti, Italy (Gyn) |
Vulval cancer: German guidelines Peer Hantschmann, Germany (Gyn) |
Sentinel node method in vulval cancerJoanne de Hullu, the Netherlands (Gyn) | |
Saturday 18th September 2010 |
Free communications part IV: Dermatoses Chairs: M. Pelisse, France, M. Preti, Italy |
High prevalence of occult thyroid disease and extragenital psoriasis in women with anogenital lichen sclerosus B. Eberz et al., Austria |
The effect of vulvar Lichen Sclerosus on Quality of Life and Sexual Functioning H.P. van de Nieuwenhof, K.A.P. Meeuwis et al., the Netherlands |
Intractable, extensive, erosive lichen planus successfully treatedwith rituximab M.A. McAleer, Ireland |
Genital psoriasis: a questionnaire-based survey on a concealed skin disease in the Netherlands K.A.P. Meeuwis et al., the Netherlands |
Vulval Xanthoma Verruciform: An inflammatory reaction pattern?Report of ten cases associated with an underlying condition C. Fite, F. Plantier et al., France |
Free communications partV: Poster discussion Chairs: P. Hantschmann, Germany, J. Martinez de Oliveira, Portugal |
Recurrent verruciform xanthoma of the vulva O. Reich et al., Austria |
Sexual dysfunction and vulvar lichen sclerosus:a multidisciplinary approachI.M. Pinas, the Netherlands | |
Acquired lymphangiectasia of the vulva: a report on three cases.P. Belfiore et al., Italy | |
Health related quality of life in patients suffering from vulvar diseases E.C.A.M. Van Swieten et al., the Netherlands |
Interdisciplinary clinic of vulval disorders W. Anemüller et al., Germany |
In vitro anticandida activity of gentian violet A.R. Gomes-de-Elvas, J Martinez-de-Oliveira et al., Portugal |
Levels of nitric oxide, IL8 and ?-defensin2 in women with recurrent vulvovaginal Candidiasis C. Alvendal et al., Sweden |
Coital swelling due to a host response to trauma and candida? J.A. Yell, United Kingdom |